Dental & Implant Centre in Guildford, Surrey
Call us today on 01483 233 823 Fairlands Avenue, Guildford, Surrey. GU3 3NA


“Many thanks to you and to Ben (& the dental nurses) for looking after me over the past 9/10 months. I’m still getting used to my new smile and everyone is very complimentary. I would like to personally & sincerely thank Ben again for all his hard work, steady hand (!) and for keeping my spirits up throughout. Couldn’t have done it without him. Thank you Ben! You’re a genius!

I will be making an appointment soon for a further check up and to see the hygeniest as suggested.”

“The best dental surgery I have ever been to. From Dentists to receptionists, everyone is great. A Guy called Nii is one of the best at his job. Please pass on my feedback to him.”

“Having seen Shilpa, who is very friendly, kind and caring,regularlyever since the practice opened, I have been very happy with the various treatments given. I am always made to feel as comfortable as possible and all treatment is carefully explained to me. The nurses and reception staff are also friendly and welcoming. All in all I cannot recommend this practice highly enough.”

“I particularly appreciate the considerable amount of care taken and attention to detail given at each treatment stage in order to ensure a successful final result. The denture fits very well and looks completely natural, and, when attached to the implants, is totally comfortable and secure without the need for any fixative. This gives me the confidence to eat anything I want as if I still have my own teeth. Yet it is easily detached from the implants for cleaning when necessary.
Thank you for suggesting the treatment and for providing me with an improvement in my quality of life.”

“Many thanks, again, for dealing with me in such a cordial and considerate manner.”

“Thank you so much for my beautiful new teeth. I cannot begin to express adequately how deeply thrilled I am with them.”

“I am experiencing scarcely any pain, and have used only one painkiller, to date, which amazes me, for I had imagined far more discomfort, following upon the operation. Actually, I am in less pain than usual, in fact, because I am now able to swish liquids (like the mouthwash you prescribed) freely throughout my mouth without experiencing the nerves screaming in various areas, which I had to endure, in the past; and that relief is a brilliant bonus.”

“I have been puzzling over of whose teeth my new implants remind me, and I suddenly realised that they are rather like the natural teeth of my youngest offspring (the actress). All of my children have wonderful teeth (inherited from their father, no doubt!), but Amy’s teeth really put me in mind of my new teeth.”

“Most importantly: thank you, once again for everything you have done for me, and the extremely kind, gentle and thoughtful manner in which that was accomplished. I send you a thousand grateful grins! And straight ones, at that!”

“The problem with my deeply relishing the joy of my new teeth is that there has been a consequent urge to share some of the wondrous reactions to them with you.”

“Many thanks, I do hope that your work gives you as much satisfaction and pleasure as it gives your patients.”

“With a Million x Thank You’s for everything, and wishing you all the continuing success and happiness.”

“I went for a check-up of my lower teeth, and told the dentist just how happy I have been with my teeth; what a difference they have made to my life and to my self-esteem, and how grateful I am to all of you…”

“I am very appreciative, not only of the splendid end result but also being treated with such caring, gentle kindness, to the extent that my fear of Dentists and dental surgeries (which, as you know, was intense) seems now to have evaporated. ”

“Thank you again for everything. You have been absolutely ACE, and I shall be forever grateful to you for your skillful expertise, your kindness, your gentleness, and the resultant restoration of my smile! I cannot ever begin, even remotely adequately, to express the amazing difference it has made to my life.”