Dental & Implant Centre in Guildford, Surrey
Call us today on 01483 233 823 Fairlands Avenue, Guildford, Surrey. GU3 3NA

Invisalign Offer

From just £1,450*

*Prices may vary depending on case complexity

  • FREE consultation
  • FREE tooth whitening
  • FREE removable retainers
  • 0% Finance over 12 months available

New Patient Exam

Now only £59.00

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Facial Aesthetics

Facial Rejuvenation & Anti-wrinkle treatments

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Family Dental Care

Dental care for the entire family

We provide a wide range of dental & cosmetic treatments for your family.

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Tooth Whitening from £450

FREE CONSULTATIONS AVAILABLE (WORTH £70) Book your consultation now

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O% Finance Available

Making paying for treatments easier

Payment plans to help patients receive the treatment they require.

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Saturday Appointments Available!

No free time during the week?

Saturday, early morning and late night appointments are available.

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Orthodontics treatments and fast braces

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Sign up to Denplan

Denplan cover available for all patient

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Smile Makeovers

Improve the aesthetics of your smile

we offer a range of treatments from teeth whitening to composite fillings

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Hygiene Visit

ONLY £82.00

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All on 4

Consultations available now!

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proven formula for success

All on 4 is a modern, technologically advanced and innovative procedure which makes efficient use of implants in one or both jaws- enabling the restoration of a full upper or lower arch of teeth. Using the fewest implants possible and therefore avoiding bone grafting surgeries it enables high-quality restorative results in a shorter time frame.

Created in the early 2000s using the latest computer simulation, bio mechanics and clinical research the All-on-4 involves the use of four titanium implants, with the back ones angulated in order to make best use of the existing bone.

Image11Ideal for those who may struggle with their dentures or who require full upper and/or lower restorations, the All-on-4 procedure enables patients to receive a full set of permanent implants in just one appointment. They can leave the surgery on the same day with a brand new set of fully fixed, natural looking teeth.

Initially, your Dentist will put together a specific treatment plan for you by taking X-rays, impressions and CAT scans etc. Following this your surgery will be scheduled and the implants fitted along with a new set of interim teeth – allowing you to leave the same day with a set of functional teeth.

Image2You will be required to return for regular check-ups in the following weeks and months afterward so that the healing process can be checked. After around six months, the implants should be fully healed and suitably fused to your jawbone and at this point abutments (or connectors) will be fitted. Following this a new set of replacement teeth will be attached and perfectly adjusted for maximum comfort and bite.

Where other types of implant may require lengthy and complicated grafting solutions, the All-on-4 dental implants technique is a quicker and less-invasive option which still gives a natural looking, long-lasting and fully-fixed set of teeth. Enabling you to smile, eat and live more comfortably and confidently.
Why not speak to us today for more information.